
Vortrac tutorial

From Lrose Wiki

VORTRAC tutorial

This workflow will go through the steps to run VORTRAC, and provide gridded radar data, a center file (.csv) and the XML file. For more information on how to obtain the gridded radar files from the raw radar files, please refer to the grid tutorial.

Set up the environment and XML file on the command line

  1. Download the vortrac_tutorial.tar.gz file
  1. Extract contents into the desired directory
  • Create a new folder called vortrac_example (or the user's desired directory)

mkdir ~/vortrac_example

  • Move the tar file to the vortrac_example folder

mv vortrac_tutorial.tar.gz ~/vortrac_example

  • Extract contents

tar -zxvf vortrac_tutorial.tar.gz

You'll end up with a directory that includes the gridded radar data, a center file (.csv) and the XML file to run VORTRAC.

  1. Create the following folders under the same directory as the XML file, center file, and the folder of radar

mkdir cappi

mkdir center

mkdir choosecenter

mkdir pressure

mkdir vtd

You'll end up with a directory that includes 6 folders, one XML file and one center (.csv) file.

  1. Modify the XML file
  • Set the directory. Find the line starting with dir and centers, and modify them to your current directory. (8 lines in total)

In the tutorial, you do not need to modify further parameters, but we recommend the users go through the details about the XML configuration.


  1. Run VORTRAC
