
Storing soundings in SPDB

From Lrose Wiki


Thermodynamic soundings are important in RadxPid because temperature helps distinguish between liquid and frozen hydrometeors. Soundings can be ingested into RadxPid in three ways:

  • entered manually in the PID thresholds file - only one sounding is allowed.
  • estimated from model output (Grib2toMdv, Mdv2SoundingSpdb) - this is the preferred method.
  • observed sounding downloaded and converted from native format to SPDB - described below.

The second and third method both require data or output to be converted to an SPDB database file, which is a non-gridded file. This page describes how to convert Grib2 and TTAA/TTBB files to SPDB.

Model Output


University of Wyoming soundings.

TTAA/TTBB format.

NWSsoundingIngest -params NWSsoundingIngest.test -debug -f /path/to/data/NWS_soundings/20210101_000000.denver_soundings.txt
SpdbQuery -url /path/to/data/NWS_soundings/spdb -mode interval -start "2021 01 01 00 00 00" -end "2021 02 01 00 00 00"

In the RadxPid params files the PID_sounding_location_name would be set as "72469", the Denver station ID. (In Mdv2SoundingSpdb.gfs, set with $(RADAR))

Other applications

CsuSounding2Spdb (CSU format sounding data)

BomSounding2Spdb (Australian Bureau of Meteorology sounding data)