
Elle grid

From Lrose Wiki

elle grid tutorial

This workflow will convert several raw radar files to the CfRadial format, interpolate the data to a cartesian grid, and apply a convective stratiform separation algorithm.

Run each program one by one on the command line

  1. Download the elle_grid.tar.gz file
  1. Extract contents into the desired directory
tar -zxvf elle_grid.tar.gz

You'll end up with a directory that includes the raw radar files and parameter files needed to run RadxConvert and Radx2Grid.

  1. Set the directories (note: there is purposely no slash at the beginning of PROJ). Together, HOMED/PROJ should direct you to the elle_grid directory. RAW is the full path to the raw radar data in /elle_grid.
export HOMED="/path/to/home/directory"
export PROJ=“short/path/to/elle_grid”
export RAW="/path/to/elle_basic/raw"
  1. Set the variables in the terminal and set the date. Print out the directory structure to make sure it's pointing to the right directory.
export days=“20170827”
export rdir="/path/to/lrose/bin"
  1. Convert the raw files to CfRadial files
$rdir/RadxConvert -params ./params/RadxConvert.* -f $RAW/$RADAR_NAME/$days/*.ar2v
  1. Regrid the data to a cartesian grid and apply the convective stratiform algorithm
$rdir/Radx2Grid -params ./params/RadxGrid.* -f convert/$RADAR_NAME/$days/*.nc

Make modifications to the the gridding procedure