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RefractCalib creates calibration file used by RefractCompute.


RefractCalib creates calibration file used by RefractCompute.


The following items are required:

  • MDV radar files
  • List of files for target identification
  • Calibration files

Parameter file

RefractCalib uses one parameter file that includes the input/output directories and refractivity calibration parameters.

Ensure file is up to date

To obtain the default parameter file, use the following command:

/path/to/lrose/install/bin/RefractCalib -print_params > param_file_name

If you already have a parameter file and simply want to check for (and add) updated parameters while retaining current parameters, use the following command:

/path/to/lrose/install/bin/RefractCalib -params orig_param_file_name -print_params > new_param_file_name

Important parameters

Process Triggering parameters

  • trigger_mode: determines if the program waits for new files (LATEST_DATA) or moves through start and end times specified on the command line (TIME_LIST)

Process I/O parameters

  • input_url: path of the input data
  • raw_iq_in_input: indicate whether the raw I and Q values are included in the input files; if FALSE, the raw fields will be calculated from the NIQ/AIQ values, which must be included in the input files
  • raw_i_field_name: name of the raw I field in the input files
  • raw_q_field_name: name of the raw Q field in the input files
  • niq_field_name: name of the NIQ field in the input files; only used if raw_iq_in_input = FALSE
  • aiq_field_name: name of the AIQ field in the input files; only used if raw_iq_in_input = FALSE
  • snr_in_input: indicate whether the SNR field is in the input files; SNR is only needed if raw I/Q values are not included
  • snr_field_name: name of SNR field in the input files
  • power_field_name: name of the power field in the input files
  • quality_source: indicate the field to be used in calculating the quality value, including spectrum width (QUALITY_FROM_WIDTH) and a CPA field (QUALITY_FROM_CPA)
  • quality_field_name: name of the field to be used in the quality calculations, consistent with quality_source
  • output_url: path where the output files are written to


  • file_list_inputs: indicate whether to use a file list for input data or a range of times
  • target_id_file_list: list of files to use for target identification, when file_list_inputs = TRUE
  • calibration_file_list: list of files to use for calibration, when file_list_inputs = TRUE
  • target_files_path: path to files to use for target identification, when file_list_inputs = FALSE
  • target_files_time_range: start and end time for target identification, when file_list_inputs = FALSE
  • calibration_files_path: path to files to use for calibration, when file_list_inputs = FALSE
  • calibration_files_time_range: start and end time for calibration, when file_list_inputs = FALSE

Algorithm parameters

  • ref_file_path: path for the file containing calibration information
  • beam_width: antenna beam width (degrees)

Running RefractCalib

To check all command line options for RefractCalib, including debugging options and file paths, type the following command into a terminal.

/path/to/lrose/install/bin/RefractCalib -h

Once your parameter file is complete, use a command similar to the following to run the application:

/path/to/lrose/install/bin/RefractCalib -params param_file_name