Csu radartools tutorial
From Lrose Wiki
This tutorial will walk through the steps to read and convert a raw radar file, quality control the data (removing unwanted artifacts and echoes, unfold radial velocity and calculate Kdp), then grid the data, and finally process the gridded data to end up with hydrometeor identification, precipitation rates, and DSD information. This is generally focused on surface polarimetric X, C, or S-band radar. We will apply a series of corrections
- Unfold radial velocity
- Calculate Kdp
- Apply thresholds to remove non-meteorological data
- Calculate the attenuation and differential attenuation
- Despeckle and remove 2nd trip
Required Modules available from GitHub
First Step
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import pyart
from CSU_RadarTools.csu_radartools import csu_kdp
from CSU_RadarTools.csu_radartools import csu_misc
%matplotlib inline