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Rview visualizes radar or lidar data.
Rview visualizes radar or lidar data.
The following items are required:
- Radar or lidar data (MDV format)
Parameter file
Rview uses one parameter file that determines the display set up. Unlike most LROSE applications, Rview uses a key/value model instead of TDRP.
Ensure file is up to date
To obtain the default parameter file, use the following command:
/path/to/lrose/install/bin/Rview -print_params > param_file_name
If you already have a parameter file and simply want to check for (and add) updated parameters while retaining current parameters, use the following command:
/path/to/lrose/install/bin/Rview -params orig_param_file_name -print_params > new_param_file_name
Important parameters
Mode and requested time
- mode: determines if the program waits for new files (realtime) or looks for a time specified on the command line (archive)
Geographical extent
- projection: map projection (flat or latlon)
- grid_lat: latitude of the map origin
- grid_lon: longitude of the map origin
- full_min_x, full_min_y, full_max_x, full_max_y: boundaries of viewer, either in km or lat/lon
Colorscale directory
- colorscale_dir: path where color scales are located
Running Rview
To check all command line options for Rview, including debugging options and file paths, type the following command into a terminal.
/path/to/lrose/install/bin/Rview -h
Once your parameter file is complete, use a command similar to the following to run the application:
/path/to/lrose/install/bin/Rview -params param_file_name